Our Schedule

Sun.. 11:00 to 12:30 — Worship
Wed. 7:00 to 8:00 — Bible Study
(From Canada Day to Labour Day)
Sun. 10:00 to 11:30 — Worship
Wed. 7:00 to 8:00 — Bible Study
Sunday morning Bible Study (see below) is on hold.
Sunday Adult Bible Class

All our Bible classes are discussions and everyone is free to share their insight and experience, or just listen. No one will ever put you on the spot or disrespect your opinions. The goal is to relate the Bible to real life in relevant, thought-provoking ways that bring faith alive, honour God, and encourage His people.
Sunday Worship

Full details are on the
What To Expect page but our services are designed to help everyone connect with God in a way that's comfortable, natural and meaningful. The style is contemporary, relaxed, and includes an interactive time where anyone can share their thoughts.
What To Expect page but our services are designed to help everyone connect with God in a way that's comfortable, natural and meaningful. The style is contemporary, relaxed, and includes an interactive time where anyone can share their thoughts.
Wednesday Adult Bible Class

We share our knowledge, feelings and perspective in an atmosphere of safety and respect, and encourage people to think for themselves as we delve into the Word and allow the Holy Spirit give us insight. Whether we deal withs a specific topic, or a particular Bible passage, we apply spiritual principles to daily life.