Growing, Loving, Serving!
In our church family, we're driven by purpose, not programs. Everything we do is designed to reinforce one of the three reasons we exist as a congregation
To honour God because we recognize how much He's done for us.
To serve and encourage one another and others, with His love.
To reach out with the message of Jesus in a humble, respectful way.
To accomplish those goals, we help everyone in our family identify their passion and giftedness then find a ministry that fits, either an existing one, or a new one. Here are a few of our main ministries:
To honour God because we recognize how much He's done for us.
To serve and encourage one another and others, with His love.
To reach out with the message of Jesus in a humble, respectful way.
To accomplish those goals, we help everyone in our family identify their passion and giftedness then find a ministry that fits, either an existing one, or a new one. Here are a few of our main ministries:
Breakfast Buddies

Until the pandemic set in, we worked for ten years with Brant Food For Thought to provide a healthy breakfast for children at Princess Elizabeth Public School, one of the most under-served in the area. This important work reduced absenteeism and late arrivals, fed hungry kids in a loving, supportive setting, and helped them do better in the classroom.
We're currently looking into local needs to see where our time and effort can have a meaningful impact. We're not interested in just keeping house for God. We want to be His hands and heart in the community.
We're currently looking into local needs to see where our time and effort can have a meaningful impact. We're not interested in just keeping house for God. We want to be His hands and heart in the community.
Soul Food

This ministry provides emergency meals to those in distress due to illness, bereavement, and other short-term challenges. A dedicated team prepares and delivers Soul Food meals when we become aware of a need, inside our church family or in the community. If you know someone in need, just send us an email or give us a call.
Prayer power

Since prayer is essential to the health, direction and success of our church family, we have a dedicated group that prays for the many requests brought to us. If you have a need, let us know. Confidentiality will be respected when necessary and no one will
judge you because of your struggles. Prayer doesn't always give us what we want, but it always makes a difference, either in our circumstances or our ability to handle them.
judge you because of your struggles. Prayer doesn't always give us what we want, but it always makes a difference, either in our circumstances or our ability to handle them.
S.O.S. and Bless This House

These ministries meet the social, emotional and spiritual needs of women. Sharing Our Support (S.O.S.) is a periodic activity offering encouragement and a safe place to talk about faith and life challenges. At Bless This House, women meet to learn more about each other, pray, and foster closer ties. The goal is to deepen relationships.

We're blessed with guys from all walks of life who are open about their struggles and enjoy being together, whether it's for the monthly Men's Breakfast or other activities that build stronger relationships, The aim is to become better men, more loving husbands, and stronger fathers.

Along with our core ministries, we sponsor children in developing nations, contribute financially to important projects locally and around the world, have regular potluck meals, and join other churches in various programs. Our life together is not about being busy, but about finding love and support for ourselves, and using our God-given gifts to serve those around us. Followers of Christ: it's not a name. It's a lifestyle.